Miller County National Register Listings

Bagnell Dam and Osage Power Plant, 617 River Road, Lake Ozark (8/27/08)

Boeckman Bridge, southeast of St. Elizabeth over Big Tavern Creek (3/19/79)

Grand Auglaize Bridge, Swinging Bridges Road at Grand Auglaize Creek, Brumley vicinity (10/8/2020)

Iberia Academy and Junior College, SR 17 and SR 42, Iberia (9/04/80)

Lake of the Ozarks State Park Highway 134 Historic District (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), west of Brumley along MO 134 (2/26/85)

Olean Railroad Depot, Main Street east of junction with California Street, Olean (12/23/93)

Sanning, P. A., Store, 256 MO H, Mary's Home (6/16/05)

Union Electric Administration Building – Lakeside, 1 Willmore Lane, Lakeside vicinity (4/13/98)

Union Electric Administration Building – Lakeside (Boundary Increase), 1 Willmore Lane, Lakeside vicinity (6/23/11)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.