Crawford County National Register Listings

Big Bend Rural School, MO 19, Steelville (12/12/78)

Cuba City Jail (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), Prairie Street and 300 block of South Main Street, Cuba (10/29/14)

Cuba High School Annex (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), 308 N. Smith St., Cuba (5/1/13)

Cuba Lodge No. 312 A.F. and A.M. (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), 201 N. Smith St., Cuba (10/29/14)

Dillard Mill Historic District, 142 Dillard Mill Road, Davisville vicinity (1/14/15)

Hamilton, George B., House (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), 401 E. Washington St., Cuba (10/29/14)

Harney, Maj. Gen. William S., Summer Home, 332 S. Mansion Ave., Sullivan (4/19/84)

Hotel Cuba (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), 600 E. Main St., Cuba (10/29/14)

Munro, John Manson, House (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), 305 W. Washington Ave., Cuba (10/29/14)

Scotia Iron Furnace Stack, 6.3 miles southeast of Leasburg on County Road H (5/21/69)

Shamrock Court (Route 66 in Missouri MPDF), 1246 S. Service Road, Sullivan (3/28/2022)

Snelson-Brinker House (Historic and Historical Archaeological Resources of the Cherokee Trail of Tears, 1837-1839 MPDF), MO 8, Steelville vicinity (6/21/07)

Uptown Cuba Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of the City of Cuba, Missouri, 1821-1963 MPDF), roughly West Main Avenue, North and South Smith streets, South Hickory Street, and West Washington Boulevard, Cuba (3/13/13)

Wagon Wheel Motel, Cafe and Station, 901-905 E. Washington St., Cuba (4/07/03)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.