Dutch Oven Cooking

6/24/2017 | Harry S Truman State Park | Warsaw, MO

To celebrate the annual Great American Campout weekend, the park will host an outdoor cooking demonstration featuring Dutch oven cooking.  Park staff will demonstrate the proper and safe way to use Dutch ovens. You can prepare tasty camping food, which can be a fun family activity, while camping and produce delicious food for your outing. For more information call the park office at 660-438-7711.

Event time: 6 p.m.

This event is being held in conjunction with the national Great American Campout, sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation. Click here for more information and other related events throughout Missouri state parks.

Harry S Truman State Park is located at:

28761 State Park Road, Warsaw, MO | 660-438-7711

Associated activities

  • Camping