St. Francois County National Register Listings

Bonne Terre Depot, Oak Street, Bonne Terre (4/05/84)

Bonne Terre Mine, MO 47, Bonne Terre (9/09/74)

Courthouse Square Historic District (map), roughly bounded by West Spring Street, North Washington Street, West Harrison Street and A Street, Farmington (6/09/04)

East Columbia Historic District (map), south side of East Columbia:14-122 E. Columbia, north side: 101-103 and 117-119 E. Columbia, Farmington (7/14/04)

East Columbia Historic District (Boundary Increase), 202 E. Columbia St., Farmington (5/30/07)

Eugene Field School, 403 Glendale St., Park Hills (9/06/05)

Farmington State Hospital No. 4 Cemetery, 1/4 mile south of Doubet Road on east side of Pullan Road, Farmington vicinity (10/25/10)

Howlett Gulf, 10 E. Main St., Park Hills (11/14/2019)

McCormick, James Robinson, House, 324 W. Columbia St., Farmington (7/31/98)

Presbyterian Orphanage of Missouri (map), 412 W. Liberty St., Farmington (4/26/06)

St. Francois County Jail and Sheriff's Residence, 11 N. Franklin St., Farmington (7/19/96)

St. Joe Lead Company Administration Building, Elm Street, Bonne Terre (4/05/84)

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