Pike County National Register Listings

Bacon, Charles, House, 819 Kentucky St., Louisiana (7/19/90)

Barnard, Captain George and Attella, House, 2009 / 2109 Georgia St., Louisiana (03/31/00)

Bethel Chapel AME Church, junction of Sixth and Tennessee streets, Louisiana (7/28/95)

City Market, 125 S. Main St., Louisiana (3/23/05)

Clark, James Beauchamp, House ("Champ" Clark House; Honey Shuck), 204 E. Champ Clark Drive, Bowling Green (12/08/76; NHL 12/08/76)

Clarksville Historic District (Historic Resources of Clarksville, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by Lewis, Front, Virginia and Third streets, Clarksville (5/09/91)

Clifford-Wirick House, 105 S. Second St., Clarksville (7/09/84)

Georgia Street Historic District (map), roughly Georgia Street between Main and Seventh streets, Louisiana (5/06/87) (Additional Documentation 7/1/2003)

Goodman-Stark House, 601 N. Third St., Louisiana (10/22/94)

Griffith-McCune Farmstead Historic District, MO WW east of junction with MO D, Eolia vicinity (8/18/92)

Lock and Dam No. 24 Historic District (Upper Mississippi River 9-Foot Navigation Project MPDF), 350 N. First St., Clarksville (3/10/04)

Louisiana Chicago and Alton Railroad Depot, 801 S. Third St., Louisiana (6/07/06)

Louisiana Public Library, 121 N. Third St., Louisiana (4/12/96)

Luce-Dyer House, 220 N. Third St., Louisiana (9/23/82)

Meloan, Cummins and Co., General Store, junction of Middle and Water streets, northwest corner, Paynesville (6/24/93)

North Third Street Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Louisiana, Missouri MPDF; map), roughly bounded by Georgia, Noyes, North Third and North Water streets, Louisiana (8/24/05)

Northern Methodist Episcopal Church of Clarksville (Historic Resources of Clarksville, Missouri MPDF), 309 Smith St., Clarksville (5/09/91)

Pike County Hospital, 2407 West Georgia St., Louisiana (9/19/06)

St. John's Episcopal Church (Old), 0.25 miles north of Eolia on County Road D, and 0.25 miles east on County Road H (7/08/70)

Stark, Gov. Lloyd Crow, House and Carriage House, 1401 Georgia St., Louisiana (12/21/87)

Turner-Pharr House (Historic Resources of Clarksville, Missouri MPDF), 101 N. Fourth St., Clarksville (5/09/91)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.