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Mississippi River Scenic Driving Tour

4/27/2013 to 4/28/2013 | Bollinger Mill State Historic Site | Burfordville, MO

The Mississippi River Valley Scenic Drive is a regional driving tour that includes a stop in Burfordville. Visitors can enjoy the 19th century gristmill and the oldest covered bridge in the state of Missouri. Free tours of the first and second floors of the mill will be offered Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday noon to 4 p.m. Bring a picnic lunch and delight in this historic treasure. Visitors will have the opportunity to see Amanda Coonce, from Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site, demonstrate the craft of wool spinning and weaving on both days during mill hours.

Bollinger Mill State Historic Site is located at:

113 Bollinger Mill Road, Burfordville, MO | 573-243-4591