Story Time

1/18/2025 | Mastodon State Historic Site | Imperial, MO

Come learn and create at Mastodon State Historic Site! Our Story Time programs feature stories and activities related to various park topics.

We will host five Story Times from December through March. Each program will take place in the museum auditorium and will last approximately 30 minutes.

These programs are designed for families with children 10 and under, but all all families are welcome. All events in this series are free, and there is no need to register.

For more information, call the historic site office at 636-464-2976.

Winter Story Time dates:
  • Dec. 7 and 28
  • Jan. 18
  • Feb. 8
  • March 1
Times: 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Mastodon State Historic Site is located at:

1050 Charles J. Becker Drive, Imperial, MO | 636-464-2976

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs